Channeled Resources Group is excited to be formally recognized as a Green Master company for the 3rd year in a row. The afternoon ceremony was held at the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council Conference on December 3rd, at the Harley Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The Green Master’s Program is designed for companies that feel the groundswell of change. For them, it’s time to turn aspiration into action and to imagine a better business. It is a free, independent, objective, points based “green” certification program. Now, businesses of any size, from any part of Wisconsin and from any sector can get started “on the road to sustainability”.
The Channeled Resources Group has a long standing tradition of not only managing their business in a sustainable manner but also helping other businesses do the same. The recognition of being named a Green Master serves to validate that tradition.
The Channeled Resources Group located in Marathon City is a state of the art manufacturing plant involved in converting and reprocessing specialty papers and films.